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Current affairs

Are IPOs As FoolProof As We Thought?

IPOs or investing in initial public offers of companies have started the cult of equity investing…
Current affairs

500 Crores! This is what this Image below was sold for!

"Everyday's – The first 5000 days”, it’s the most expensive artwork sold by a living Artist.…
Current affairs

Why are Bonds Crashing the Equity Market Party?

After a long up move equity markets corrected big and have recovered back. They are going…
Current affairs

Why Does Television News Suck?

This is a mystery to many of us. Certainly, Indians do not lack in talent. We…
Current affairs

Why is My Portfolio So Sad, While the Market is Booming?

I hear laments from friends that although the market has gone up 10-20-30%, my portfolio is…
Current affairs

Bit-Bit-Bit Coin – What are Cryptocurrencies?

Ask any Indian, they will agree, 8 th Nov 2016 was an unforgettable day. It was…