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Current affairs

How did SRILANKA go Bankrupt?

India’s neighbour Srilanka is undergoing a full-blown crisis with shortages of basic supplies like food, medicines…
Current affairs

Why Are There Long Lines To Buy Bread In Turkey?

In the suburb of the beautiful and historic city of Istanbul long lines are forming to…
Random Musings

Why Did Indians Suddenly Start Breeding Cobras?

While India was a colony of the British, suddenly a lot of Cobras appeared in Delhi.…
Current affairs

Facebook = Meta

Facebook has recently changed its name to Meta platforms Inc., much to the bemusement of a…
Current affairs

What is With the Evergrande Story & China?

Financial news these days is filled with stories of the imminent demise of Evergrande the second-largest…
Current affairs

The Story of Morris Chang & the World’s Most Important Company!

Most of us who track business news would have heard of the semiconductor shortage in the…