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Current affairs

Equity = No, Debt = Yes. Where In Debt though to Invest Abhi?

As far as investment goes, we are living in a confusing time. After a stellar run…
Current affairs

Economic Impact of the Ukraine Conflict

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 no one could have known how long the ensuing…
Current affairs

Why is Inflation a Four-Letter Word for the Markets?

And why are the Central Banks all around the world desperate to control it? Inflation is…
Current affairs

How did SRILANKA go Bankrupt?

India’s neighbour Srilanka is undergoing a full-blown crisis with shortages of basic supplies like food, medicines…
Current affairs

Why Are There Long Lines To Buy Bread In Turkey?

In the suburb of the beautiful and historic city of Istanbul long lines are forming to…
Random Musings

Why Did Indians Suddenly Start Breeding Cobras?

While India was a colony of the British, suddenly a lot of Cobras appeared in Delhi.…