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Buying Shares? You May Lose All Your Money!Or Not!

I come across a few people who have never ever invested in stocks.They want to, but…

What is Credit Rating? What do these Credit Rating Agency do?

Let me tell you an anecdote. We have a college whatsapp group. These friends meet up…

Going by the Same Logic What are Large Cap Mutual Funds?

We understood what large cap stocks are. To recapitulate they are stocks who are industry leaders…

What is a Large Cap Stock or a Share?

For a novice or a new comer every jargon is hard to understand and lack of…
Current affairs

TIC TAC TOE – Sometimes This Works & Sometimes That.

They say a picture says a thousand words. The above picture was forwarded to me on…

This Compound is not a Chemical! It Makes Your Money Grow.

One of the basic funda of getting rich is understanding the concept of compound interest. If…